
With an aim to improve factors of human health, including longevity and moving toward immortality, Amicures is focusing towards innovative research in the field of free radicals, nano-particles and antioxidants. Amicures incorporates advanced technology and following international standards, the research is aimed to finds solutions for lifestyle disorders, such as cancer, obesity, ageing, allergy, and stress. We firmly believe that altogether a new bracket of curing solutions is possible following free radicals, impacting the root cause of many diseases/ disorders. Most of our research is focused on preventing generation of free radicals at the first place and even if the free radicals are already generated, which has started damaging vital cells or causing disorders, our products will work on to the regeneration of the vital cells, by stopping the free radicals formation. We also wish to move towards recommending a lifestyle of preventive measures, minimizing the requirement of treatment, thereby providing multi facet health care solutions.

Currently, we are working on some of the formulations related to reverse ageing and anti-stress, the next in pipeline includes focus on obesity and cancer. Our research and market approach includes spotlight and investment on Intellectual property (IP) oriented research and development (R&D), creating a sustaining business model for long run, another vertical in R&D uses new tools of Information Technology and Bioinformatics thus enabling production houses to increase efficiency and reduce cost.

Amicures is engaged

in involving the best of talented and innovative minds to reach its goals of producing targeted and personalized health care solutions in a substantially cost effective way.To tap a wide range of potential, Amicures is having diverse associations with premier research institutions in India and abroad for developing innovative solution including products and services thereby satisfying the human health care requirements.


Amicures follows this

unique model to expand its research through a productive collaboration between industry, academia and government agencies. We pursue an inventor network program where all stakeholders work together, build a team with inventors and orient an idea to a workable invention, creating a solution for impacting health care industry and also protecting its IP.

Amicures follows following approaches to expand our research and development landscape:

  1. Collaboration with Academia
  2. Collaboration with Private research centres
  3. Collaboration with Government research centres
  4. Collaboration with Industries

We partner with above collaborators through inventor connect program and bring the inventions to industry for protection and practice. Amicures works with the collaborators for guiding and finding solutions to longevity related problems, develop products, promote them and also create new market possibilities.


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